2024 General Conference
(with updates below)

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UMC logo, for more information on the Conference.)

April 25, 2024
General Conference has now passed much of the legislation that aims to give The United Methodist Church’s different geographic regions equal standing in decision-making.

In what outgoing Council of Bishops President Thomas J. Bickerton called “a historic day for our church,” delegates voted 586 to 164 for an amendment to the denomination’s constitution that will now go before annual conference voters for potential ratification.

A constitutional amendment requires at least a two-thirds vote at General Conference; the regionalization amendment received 78% of the vote. To be ratified, the amendment also will need at least a two-thirds total vote of annual conference lay and clergy voters. Annual conferences are church regions consisting of multiple congregations and other ministries.

Regionalization has become United Methodist shorthand for a package of legislation that would restructure the denomination. Under the legislation, the U.S. and each central conference — church regions in Africa, Europe and the Philippines — would become regional conferences with the same authority to adapt the Book of Discipline, the denomination’s policy book, for more missional effectiveness.

At present, only central conferences have that authority under the denomination’s constitution to adapt the Discipline as missional needs and different legal contexts require.

April 28, 2024
On Day 3 of the General Conference, the delegates voted to enable four Eurasian annual conferences to become the Christian Methodist Church.  These are the churches in Russia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan.  This will be finalized next year.

Also, Bishop La Trelle Miller Easterling gave a sermon which spoke to women who have suffered abuse and reiterated that they are beloved by God even though oftentimes the church is silent about those issues.  She challenged our churches to stop making women who experience violence invisible.  She concluded with, “God has called us, anointed us, empowered us, prepared us, and provided enough Holy Ghost power for us to right these wrongs.”

In another speech, delegates were urged to let God influence their decisions instead of trying to rely solely on their own judgment.

The budget presentation included the need to reduce the number of Bishops in the US because of significantly less funds.  

The young peoples’ address said splits are not new to the Methodist Church, but they asserted there is hope for a bright future.

April 30, 2024

General Conference delegates, and alumni of Africa University, celebrated the impact of Africa University and the support from the UNITED Methodist Church that has helped to provide quality education for thousands of students.  Rev Peter Mageto, the school's vice chancellor, noted that the University is thriving because of the faithful engagement of the United Methodist Church.

The UMC and Episcopal Church affirm an agreement that the two denominations recognize each other as “one holy, catholic, and apostolic church”; though, this  may not happen until 2025. However, during this year’s meeting, there has been an agreement with the Moravian Church and Uniting Presbyterian Churches, recognizing each of them as “one holy, catholic, and apostolic church."

The UMC is looking at a new set of Social Principles which includes a new Preamble, a new section on the Community of All Creation, and the Economic Community. The Community of All Creation includes statements towards creation care, and teachings addressing topics such as ecological destruction, climate change, food justice, and caring for all creatures.  The Social Principles are NOT church law but are an effort to apply biblical foundations to issues in our world today. 


May 1, 2024
Today the delegates voted to remove the ban on the ordination of LGBTQ+

clergy. It was noted that United Methodist churches and clergy will have the freedom to respond to God’s call to ministry in ways that are best for their contextual and missional communities.

May 7, 2024

Join Bishop Carter, Rev. Kim Ingram, and Jennifer Davis on Tuesday, May 7, at 4 p.m. as they walk us through all that happened during the General Conference in Charlotte. They will be sharing their experiences, explaining legislation, and answering your questions. The panel discussion will be streamed live on the WNCC YouTube channel and Facebook page.

Pastor Deb will have a projector set up in the Fellowship Hall for those who wish to watch this broadcast.

A Prayer for General Conference

Almighty God . . .

On the day of Pentecost, your Holy Spirit descended and gave voice and power to the church birthed by the suffering, death, and resurrection of your Son, Jesus Christ.  Hear us as we pray for this part of your family, The United Methodist Church.  Grace the General Conference with your presence and power. 

Where there is any dissension, bring unity; any confusion, clarity of mission; any fear, a holy boldness to seek and do your will.  Bless and be with the delegaates and all who are present, giving them strength of body and purpose, discerning spirits, and open hearts that, by their actions and decisions, the United Methodist movement may be renewed in our commitment to your mission of "making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world." 

We pray this in the name of the Lord of the Church, the same Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen.

Prayer written by Rev. Carl Frazier